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CAPER (The Canadian Post-M.D. Education Registry) was established in 1986 through the co-operation of national medical organizations with an interest in the post-M.D. clinical education of physicians in Canada.

The following organizations are the participating organizations of CAPER. Together they have developed CAPER. They are represented on the CAPER Committee and establish the policy framework for CAPER. They support CAPER financially and they give advice and expertise required for the operation of CAPER.

CAPER is incorporated within the by-laws of The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada with the mandate to provide accurate information which may be used for medical manpower planning on a national basis. To accomplish this task, an individual longitudinal file is maintained containing socio-demographic information and details of the current and past training programs of each resident or fellow under the supervision of the Canadian faculties of medicine on November 1st of each year.